Dave Seay Progressive Horsemanship
Natalie Bellamy
Natalie Bellamy

My time with Dave has had a big impact on me, my horse and to a great degree, my life. The skills and gifts that Dave has shared with me have helped me to develop another "sense" if you will. An ability to read a horse, and see things in them that I feel so fortunate to see. And things that I am sure so many people miss. Although I don't work with horses for my living, I know that I could because of what Dave has taught me. It is about the horse, what motivates them, what scares them, what they want out of life...and because of that...I know how to get along with them. I know that what I have and what I can have with a horse, is so much more than a ribbon, a trophy or the highest score. It is a bond, a relationship and a trust...the winning is just icing on the cake. This understanding that develops from Dave's teaching is what enables you to "know" how to ask for something, anything, and to see the fruits of your "ask". Who could "ask" for more than that, right? I treasure my time and experiences while working with Dave. My horse Dakota is a great testament and proof of what you can have, what you can overcome and most important the power in your horse having his peace of mind. When your horse is settled in his mind, you can have anything you ask for. I know if it were not for Dave, I would not have kept Dakota, and would not have enjoyed these 21 years (and many more to come) with him. Thank you Dave. 


Carley Goodnoe
Carley Goodnoe

From Dave Seay I have gained a deep appreciation and gratitude for what horses will give us in return for our belief in them and our respect for their nature. I have never watched or ridden with anyone so adept at reading and getting along with a horse—any horse—as Dave Seay. He understands their thoughts, fears, movements, motivations and intentions. He can get along with any horse and bring out the potential in that horse because Dave believes in the horse and the horse in turn believes in Dave.


Over the years Dave has become my mentor, teacher, and friend. I met Dave in 2001 while trying to get along with my mustang pony TJ. Dave showed me a different way to approach the horse and to think about “training” a horse than I had ever been exposed to. First Dave taught me how to get control of a horse’s feet and thus his mind. Then he taught me to watch and respect how a horse thinks and learns so that I can help a horse want to succeed and want to be with me. In return for the human’s understanding and awareness the horse offers you a respect and responsiveness unmatched in lightness and willingness.


I grew up in love with horses and ponies in the English world. Through my twenties this love of horses evolved into a lifelong passion and profession. I still ride, teach and show in the English world but my horses are “multi-dimensional” as Dave would say: they can do dressage, jump, gallop a cross country course, ride bridleless, spin, rope, trail ride, do ranch work and start horses with me. My horses will do all of this because of what I have learned from Dave: a philosophy of horsemanship built on mutual respect and trust and an understanding of and responsibility to the horse. My goal is to continue in Dave’s footsteps by being a sensitive and effective horseman for my own human and equine students.


Dave is a true teacher for humans too. As he does with the horses, Dave rewards true effort and heart in his human students with a generosity that is rare. I am truly lucky and forever grateful to be a student and friend of Dave’s. I have much more to learn but as Dave will teach you the learning never ends –for horse or human. That is what makes our journey with horses an awesome lifelong pursuit.


Cinnamon Pacer
Cinnamon Pacer

My story is kind of typical...loved horses as a kid, finally got one as an adult and thought that we could "learn together". I saddled up my new friend and set out on the trail all happy and carefree, but it wasn't long before I realized the young green Arabian I purchased as my first horse was calling all the shots, and not necessarily looking out for my best interest. I think it'd be fair to say that we were actually terrified of each other. Luckily we met Dave fairly early on, and I'm pretty sure he's saved both our lives, a few times.


One of the first things you'll learn from Dave is that you need to trust your horse and let your guard down, just a little. This doesn't mean that your horse will always be perfect, it's more understanding that from your horses perspective he's doing all he knows how to do, and it's up to us to help them understand what we want, and to assure them that everything's going to be ok. Dave will instill in you the importance of really getting a feel for and understanding the movement of the feet to get in better rhythm; something that will be an eternal goal for me. I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to see Dave and his effortless way of communicating with horses quite frequently, and I learn something every time!


But I think the thing that I admire most in Dave is that he will not give up on a horse. He has a true gift for understanding what’s going on on the inside, and the ability to not only make them feel better, but to excel in life. He cares deeply about all horses, no matter how “special”.


Will Kupec
Will Kupec

Like many 20-year olds faced with the question of ‘what are you going to do with your life’, I wasn’t quite sure. Everyday I would wake-up wondering what my calling was, and then one day it became absolutely clear.


My mother had just bought a two-year old little mare and was looking for someone to start and gentle her. Through some close friends she heard about a horseman named Dave Seay. They said that he was one of the best in the business at working with horses, and after one conversation over the phone my mom said this was the man she wanted working with her mare. At first I didn’t know what to think of the whole situation. I had been riding since I was eight and I thought I knew a lot about horses. The previous summer I worked on a ranch out west, rode some pretty tough horses, and was even offered a job as Head Wrangler. To be honest I was a little upset she would not let me start the mare.


And then we went to meet Dave. He was working with his horse in the arena and the way he worked with her was unlike anything I had ever seen before. Matching each other movement for movement, they were truly working as one. That was the moment I knew I needed what he had, and my life was changed.


Now a full-time apprentice of Dave’s, I have the amazing opportunity to live and breathe horses right along side him. Horses have the ability of leaving you wanting to learn more about them, and Dave has the ability to help you understand the knowledge that the horses give you. I have learned things about them that I never thought possible, and what I am learning is permeating my entire life. Dave has become more than a mentor in horsemanship to me, he has become a figure that I look-up to even when away from the barn. He is teaching me that being a good horseman and being a good human go hand-in-hand, through discipline, integrity, understanding, and most importantly hard work!

Cyndi & Mesa

Cyndi & Mesa

Whether you are new to riding horses or 30 years into it, a fall can create a fear-driven wedge between you and the horse you enjoy. A serious fall affected me in just that way. Although recovery was strong for me and my desire to ride that horse again was my main goal, I accomplished it with a hefty dose of “what if”. It seemed that fear jumped in my path each time I headed toward the barn spoiling my desire for a fun ride with my horse. In my search for answers I found Dave Seay to be much more than a video or television horseman. He is reachable and knowledgeable, and very experienced with fearful horses and fearful riders. Dave does not give a quick fix and send you on your way hoping it all turns out for the best; he helps you to learn what the horse needs and how to use that knowledge to get the results you need.


In my situation, Dave's patient understanding allowed me to take control of my thoughts and actions to create an awareness that I will never be without. He showed me small things to change in myself that has affected my horse in a big way. This fed a new confidence and a desire to earn respect and build trust between us...a journey of discovery and enjoyment that has replaced my fear with knowledge.

Judith Kerns

It’s been about a year since I first met Dave, and that was at a mini-clinic he did at Clemson University. Little did I know then how much my relationship with my horses would change! Now, it’s four clinics later plus two of my Pasos started and another re-started by Dave, not to mention weekly trips to Waxhaw to see how my “boys” were coming along and snag some lessons for myself. Guess an old dog can learn some new tricks after all. I have been around horses most of my life, but can say I really have a new and so much better relationship with them now. Dave has taught me so clearly how to understand how my horse is thinking and view their behavior in that light. That alone has lowered my own frustration levels when things weren’t going “perfectly” and increased my patience tenfold. Now instead of getting frustrated, I can ask myself (or my horse!) what I’m not making clear and the answer is usually right there staring me in the face.

My horses and I have stopped struggling with each other and they now look me up and enjoy their rides, whether it’s a workout in the arena or round pen or a long trail ride. I have learned it’s a matter of learning to work with your horse according to their rhythms, not yours. Things go so much more smoothly and a trusting bond builds between you. I don’t have to show them what I’m feeling; they know the moment I arrive. Sometimes I wish people were as easy to be with and even half as honest and straightforward in their thinking!

Judith Kerns

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